Prof. Ulrich Weinberg

Implementing Design Thinking in a Company

Date: 2012-09-21
Dur: 00:51:18

Does Design Thinking Change Your Life?

Date: 2012-09-21
Dur: 01:20:03


Date: 2012-09-20
Dur: 00:27:54

Welcome at the HPI D-School

Date: 2012-06-27
Dur: 00:20:37

Welcome to HPI D-School Basic Track

Date: 2012-04-17
Dur: 01:05:34

Welcome at HPI Potsdam

Date: 2011-10-25
Dur: 00:28:06

Welcome at HPI D-School

Date: 2011-10-24
Dur: 00:46:40


Date: 2011-07-15
Dur: 00:06:03

Pinning and Certificates

Date: 2011-07-15
Dur: 00:30:14

Welcome at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute

Date: 2011-04-15
Dur: 00:38:25

Welcome at HPI D-School

Date: 2011-04-15
Dur: 00:45:59

Information Overload as a Challenge

Date: 2011-02-23
Dur: 01:43:05


Date: 2011-02-21
Dur: 00:02:10

Eröffnung und Begrüßung

Date: 2010-07-16
Dur: 00:20:45

Übergabe der Zertifikate und Pins

Date: 2010-07-16
Dur: 00:18:44


Date: 2010-07-15
Dur: 00:25:01

Introduction - Why is Design Thinking important

Date: 2010-02-15
Dur: 00:44:57

Status Quo Berlin Neuköln

Date: 2010-02-15
Dur: 00:11:37