Softwaretechnik II (WS 2011/12)

Thomas Kowark

The software industry is more and more pushed towards fast time-to-market and short development cycles. Putting it in other words, if a piece of software is not finished at a certain point in time, it can have negative effects on the companies performance.

Given the fact that a team is limited to a certain number of people and can thus only build a product of a (relatively) fixed size, multiple teams have to collaborate and work on large software projects together. This, of course, leads to a certain overhead.

In Software Engineering 2, you shall learn how to conduct software development in two large groups of about 40 people. We want to prepare you for a situation where you are in a leading position and responsible for a large piece of software. Thus, you shall learn methods, concepts, and technologies that help you to successfully deliver large software in a multiple team setting.



Date: November 4, 2011
Language: German
Duration: 00:10:32

Git & Testing

Date: November 18, 2011
Language: German
Duration: 01:06:04

Code Review

Date: December 16, 2011
Language: German
Duration: 00:51:15


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